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5 Reasons to Choose 3M™ Clarity™ Aligners Over Traditional Braces

At first glance, 3M Clarity™ Aligners™ and traditional metal braces seem similar.

At first glance, 3M Clarity™ Aligners™ and traditional metal braces seem similar. For about the same cost, they both provide you with a stunning smile. However, a closer inspection reveals several key differences that most orthodontists would call significant benefits.

Continue reading to learn how 3M Clarity Aligners compare to traditional metal braces.

1. Eat What You Want

Unlike braces, clear aligners allow you to eat all of the same foods. When it comes time to eat, just pop out your 3M Clarity Aligners and eat whatever you want. Patients with traditional metal braces have to avoid foods that are sticky and/or hard to chew. Otherwise, they could damage their wires or brackets by accident.

Patients who wear 3M Clarity Aligners don’t have this problem. Just make sure you brush your teeth after eating so you don’t stain your clear aligners.

2. Avoid Uncomfortable Wires and Brackets

Made from clear, smooth plastic fitted specifically to your mouth, 3M Clarity Aligners fit comfortably on your teeth without anyone else having to notice. Traditional braces use clunky metal wires that not only cover your teeth but also irritate your cheeks and gums.

Clear aligner therapy involves a series of clear, comfortable, plastic trays made specifically for your teeth. Using impressions, digital photos, and digital x-rays, each tray is custom made for you. Following the precise movements planned out by our orthodontists, each new tray gradually shifts your teeth into their correct positions.

Just wear a new tray every few weeks and let your 3M Clarity Aligners take care of the rest. With clear aligners, you can improve your mouth’s appearance, function, and bite.

3. Wear Custom Trays That Fit Your Needs

Each patient is different. That’s why your first step is to meet with one of our orthodontists. During your consultation, our dentist will examine your teeth, jaws, and other oral structures. They’ll then determine if you’d be a good candidate for clear aligner therapy.

3M Clarity Aligners are custom designed to fit your unique smile. As you progress through treatment, our orthodontists will check in with you to ensure your teeth are moving as planned.

4. Maintain Healthy Teeth and Gums

Metal braces make it difficult to brush and floss all the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. With clear aligners, you can brush and floss your teeth normally. Your dental health will be better, and your smile will be more beautiful.

Metal braces make it easier for plaque to accumulate, increasing your risk of cavities and gum disease. Since 3M Clarity Aligners are removable, it’ll be easier to maintain a healthy oral hygiene routine. With traditional metal braces, you would have to clean around wires and brackets.

5. Smile with Confidence

3M Clarity Aligners are almost invisible. This means that you’ll be able to discreetly straighten teeth without anyone having to know! Many of our adult patients appreciate not having metal on their teeth. This is why we often recommend Clarity Aligners.

Learn if You’re a Candidate for 3M Clarity Aligners!

Drs. Hannapel and Pellillo are orthodontists in Caledonia, MI who are accepting new patients. To request an appointment and learn if you’re a candidate for 3M Clarity Aligners, call Hannapel Pellillo Orthodontics at (616) 891-7272.

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