Kids Club
Caledonia & Hastings Orthodontic Care
We pride ourselves on being a family-friendly office and providing a fun and comfortable atmosphere for parents, patients, and little siblings. We would like to introduce the Hanna Bear Kids Club, created exclusively for the little siblings of our patients.
When you come to our office, make sure to give us your child’s name and birthday. In return, we’ll give your child an official membership card and welcome bag. We’ll also take their picture to put on our Hanna Bear Kids Club board!

Perks of being in the Hanna Bear Kids Club:
Each time your child comes to our office, they can show us their membership card to pick a prize from the treasure chest.
Four times a year, our team will randomly choose a member to receive a special prize from our team.
Your child will receive a birthday card each year from Hannapel Pellillo Orthodontics.
When your child turns 7, we’ll invite you to bring them to our office for a complimentary visit with team HPO.